When you apply to a university like the UW, everything must be perfect. Do not let stress impact your result with professional writing help.
The UW has a long history and a reputable image. It was founded in 1861, and has since become number 62 in the Best Colleges in the National Universities list. The university's academic calendar and syllabus are constituted by quarters. UW has an urban setting and the main campus of 634 acres for undergraduate enrollment is 32,099 students total. The cost of in-state tuition at the UW is $11,465 and the fee for the out-of-state one is $38,796 annually as of 2019-2020.
There are three campuses of the UW. The main and the largest one is located in Seattle. This campus is one of the oldest universities in the United States’ west coast. Since its establishment, the University has developed into a state-of-the-art research center that placed UW at the 20th place among the Best Undergraduate Engineering Programs. The research center receives significant funding and is a platform for a research symposium among undergraduate students every year.
In addition to the educational prospects the university offers, it has a system of ethical values the students should share, such as encouragement for sustainability and recycling for those living on campus. The UW supports activism, so its students can enroll in over 70 fraternities and sororities based on their interests and majors. For that reason, if you want to study at this university, the UW application essay must represent not only your ability to learn and compete in its environment but also reflect your worldview and goals in life. All of it must appear in your profile that you will need to fill in along with your background information and contacts. As the acceptance rate into the UW is 49%, which is a challenge, every aspect of your UDUB application matters.
There are several steps you need to take to apply to the University of Washington, and this process is not limited to a single written work. There are several UW essay prompts 2019 applicants have to complete. They are all compulsory and have different requirements. Every written assignment is a part of the Coalition Profile you fill out when applying. Most of the information in your profile requires more patience and red-tape tolerance. However, there are four main things you need to be able to talk about. For you to do it correctly, be ready to tell about the following:
It is the biggest writing assignment that asks you to tell your story. The aim of this 500-word essay is to demonstrate your character (read: the competency to study in the University and ethically aligning with its values). UDUB supplemental essays encourage you to tell a story from your life that shaped your personality or stresses on your personal qualities. It is a great opportunity to connect it to the career path you want to take and what advantages the University will enjoy when you are accepted.
Although it may be built as a personal narrative, we suggest playing it safe and following the usual academic essay structure with a thesis statement, topic sentences, and conclusion.
This is an optional field in the application profile; however, we suggest to fill it anyway. In this field, you need to write about your circumstances in life and social hardships that you experienced, and any other valid reason for why you should be accepted into the UW. The point is, the more of your life and motivation you present, the more humane your appear and the more your image as a potential student becomes clear. If you experienced any limitations on your educational path which you bravely overcame, you have 200 words to share it.
There are things to keep in mind while writing each of the essay sections:
If it is easier for you just to see an example of an essay for the UW instead of unscrambling the theory, check out the sample of the University of Washington admission essay below, completed by professional writers with all the requirements followed.
You are in the right place. We know all the specifics of Princeton schools and their admission requirements.
View this sampleIf you feel you cannot become your perfect version of a writer in one night, you still can nail the application with the help of a professional writing service. The essay you can get from it will be even more interesting, as it will be your own story composed and structured professionally. If you are hesitant to use these services, here are things you get along with your Washington University supplemental essay.